
Inner Critic

Freedom from the Inner Critic: 4-Part Happiness Program with Elizabeth Pyjov

Anyone who is anxious, stressed, or could use more self-compassion will love this class!

Wise, Beautiful Speech: Happiness Program

Step into the new year with beautiful speech. If our words are cluttered with negativity and criticisms, we have no space for our true selves.

Taking Your Energy Back from Past Romantic Partners and Spiritual Practices for Difficult Exes

Does a past relationship give you anxiety, sadness or a sense of unfairness? Is there an ex or a romantic connection you remember with pain, guilt, a sense of blame, or emotional discomfort? Then this special program is for you.

Releasing Expectations for Inner Freedom: Meditation Class

Releasing expectations is a burst of joyful, positive relief. Experience it for yourself in this pre-recorded 90-minute sessions. Lots of science and lots of meditation. The result is freedom, joy, and clarity.

Beauty of Imperfection, Kindness to Imperfection

Why is imperfection such an important part of the spiritual path? In this pre-recorded lecture and meditation session we will talk about the concept of perfection and why being with imperfection is a central value in Buddhist philosophy.

Jan 24, 2023

Releasing Oneself from Blame: Free Teaching and Meditation

Elizabeth Pyjov will be guiding a free 30-minute Practice and Teaching over Zoom so that you can release yourself from blame. All are welcome.

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