

Spiritual Spring Cleaning: Why Finish the Unfinished (And How That Impacts Our Energy)

Spring is a time of renewal, change, and letting new energy flow. We all know that it's a time for spring cleaning for our homes. Yet how can we do that spring cleaning on the inside?

Freedom from the Inner Critic: 4-Part Happiness Program with Elizabeth Pyjov

Anyone who is anxious, stressed, or could use more self-compassion will love this class!

How Do Intentions Work? Setting Intentions Together for 2024

"When your intention is clear, so is the way." In Buddhism, the intention behind an action is more important than the action itself. When you're driving, you need to look where you're going in order to get there.

Taking Your Energy Back from Past Romantic Partners and Spiritual Practices for Difficult Exes

Does a past relationship give you anxiety, sadness or a sense of unfairness? Is there an ex or a romantic connection you remember with pain, guilt, a sense of blame, or emotional discomfort? Then this special program is for you.

May 9, 2022

How Do Others Give Us Energy and How Do They Take It Away?

In this one-time pre-recorded talk and meditation class you will learn the mechanisms by which others can take your energy.

Jul 31, 2022

Spiritual Practices for Height of Summer

Just like when a person has a lot of energy (positive energy!) and you are next to that person, you feel that you fill up with energy and inspiration.

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