

Compassion to Past Versions of Ourselves

We will send compassion to ourselves at different times in your life. There is a luminousness to this practice.

How Do Intentions Work? Setting Intentions Together for 2024

"When your intention is clear, so is the way." In Buddhism, the intention behind an action is more important than the action itself. When you're driving, you need to look where you're going in order to get there.

Wise, Beautiful Speech: Happiness Program

Step into the new year with beautiful speech. If our words are cluttered with negativity and criticisms, we have no space for our true selves.

Taking Your Energy Back from Past Romantic Partners and Spiritual Practices for Difficult Exes

Does a past relationship give you anxiety, sadness or a sense of unfairness? Is there an ex or a romantic connection you remember with pain, guilt, a sense of blame, or emotional discomfort? Then this special program is for you.

Beauty of Imperfection, Kindness to Imperfection

Why is imperfection such an important part of the spiritual path? In this pre-recorded lecture and meditation session we will talk about the concept of perfection and why being with imperfection is a central value in Buddhist philosophy.

Jul 10, 2022

Free 25-Minute Self-Compassion Meditation

You are invited to join a free Self-Compassion Practice from 7 pm to 7:25 pm EST on Sunday, July 10.

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